To set a form category


[Workflow Management] To set a form category




  • Admin > Workflow Management > Common Doc Form Management
  • You can create categories by form.
  • You can move the order of categories by form.
  • You can modify and delete categories by form.



STEP 1 Browse to Common Doc Form Management Page


  • Access Docswave > Admin > Workflow Management > Common Doc Form Management


STEP 2 To create a form category


  • You can create a new form category by clicking the + icon to the right of the common form.
  • Enter the desired category name in the space created at the bottom of the category and click the check button on the right.
  • If you click the Add button with the desired category selected, you can create it as a subcategory for that category.
  • You can hide or show subcategories by clicking the folder shape to the left of the category.
  • The categories you create are included in the document number.
    • Category Name_Date_Number


STEP 3 modifying, deleting form categories


  • Hover your mouse over the category you want to modify to activate the pencil-shaped Modify button on the right.
  • You can modify the category name by clicking the Modify button.
  • After selecting the category you want to delete, you can delete the category by clicking the Trash icon at the top.
  • Forms that belong to the deleted category are included in the top category.


STEP 4 To move the order of the form categories


  • Click the category name and navigate to the desired location.
  • After moving to the desired location, you can save the location by clicking the Save button at the bottom.
  • You cannot create, modify, or delete categories when you move the location. Click the Save button to save the location and proceed.



