To change the attendance history


[Attendance Management] To change the attendance history




  • Admin> Attendance Management > Attendance History Management
  • 조직원 별로 근태 상세 내역을 확인할 수 있다.
  • 조직원의 출퇴근 시간을 수정할 수 있다.



STEP 1 Browse to the Manage Attendance History Management page


  • Access Docswave > Admin > Attendance Management > Attendance History Management


STEP 2 To check attendance history


  • The initial scan period appears as a period from Monday to Sunday that includes today's date.
  • You can check the status of commuting and working hours of members.

📌 Search duration cannot be specified for a maximum of 31 days.


STEP 3 Modifying the Time to and from work


  • When you hover your mouse over the reference date that you want to modify, a pencil-shaped icon appears on the right side.
  • You can click Modify to modify your commute time and break time.
  • Modify it to the desired time and click the Save button. If you click the Cancel button, the changed time will not be reflected.

📌 If the members don't check the commute time, it can't be modified.
       You can change it using the "Application for Changing T&A".



