To save an organization's external person contact


[Shared Contacts] To save an organization's external person contact




  • Org Info > Shared Contacts
  • You can register external contacts with the organization.
  • You can modify/delete registered external contacts.



STEP 1 Browse to the Shared Contacts page

  • Access Docswave > Org Info > Shared Contacts


STEP 2 To set up a group

  • You can use the Add icon next to Manage Groups to register a new group.
  • You can modify the name of a group by using the pencil-shaped icon that appears when you mouse over the group that you created.
  • You can delete a group by clicking it once and using the Delete icon next to Manage Groups.
    • When you delete a group, the contact information that belongs to that group is deleted together and cannot be recovered.


STEP 3 To add a contact

  • You can add contacts by clicking the Add icon in the upper right corner.
    • Enter the information including the group and name to register.
    • Once you have entered your email, you can then add it as an external recipient to send the final approved document.
  • All Contacts allows you to view all registered contacts.
  • In My Contacts, you can check the contact I registered among all the contacts.


STEP 4 To modify a contact

  • You can modify the content by clicking the company name or name of a registered contact.
  • All members of the organization can modify the contact.
  • You can delete it by checking the check box in front of the contact and clicking the delete button in the upper right corner, and recovery is not possible.



